Templates showing an example of a Therapeautic site website
This is a website project, created for a therapist named Marcy Stewart to showcase her work and services. It is a simplistic but functional site. In this project, I wanted to challenge myself by enforcing usage of backend languages to ensure the website looked it's best. As I designed and created the site, I learnt a lot along the way which helped me create a great website that not only showcases the therepist's work, but also makes her presence felt on the web. Its features include:
- Amazing user interface and experience.
- Sign up form.
- Log in form.
- Mailing list subscription intergration.
- Contact, about, sessions and blog page.
- Rebeccapurple as the interface color.
- Simple User Dashboard.
- User Session Bookings.
What I used:
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Figma